Closing Ceremony of the Twinning light project: Further strengthening the capacity of the Serbian Audit Authority
The Closing Ceremony of the Twinning light project: Further strengthening the capacity of the Serbian Audit Authority (SR 21 IPA FI 01 23 TWL; Twinning Reference: SR 21 IPA FI 01 23 TWL) was held on 7 November 2024, in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. About 50 participants were present. Opening speeches were given by the respected speakers. The presentation about project results was delivered by MS project leader. The EUD representative welcomed all participants on behalf of the Contracting Authority. Round table was held where auditors of GAO and Project Short-term experts talked about the lessons learnt, experience shared, activities and trainings attended, and various actions conducted since the official start of the Project, 25th March 2024.
The following Project results were attained:
Result 1: Enhanced capacity of the Serbian Audit Authority to improve its existing manuals (including annexes, templates and checklists) based on the requirements of IPA II and to elaborate its new manuals based on the requirements of IPA III. In the project implementation period, in total 14 missions (6 STEs, 70 WD) were conducted within Activity 1, under which manuals and checklists were updated/prepared.
Result 2: Enhanced quality, knowledge, and competences of the Serbian Audit Authority in performing audits in line with IPA regulations, EC guidelines and international auditing standards. In the project implementation period, in total 25 missions (19 STEs, 115 WD) were conducted within Activity 2, under which the following were prepared:
Activity 2.1 - Training needs analysis and training plan prepared
Activities 2.2 and 2.3 – 16 Theoretical/classroom training courses related to conducting IPA(RD) audits and practical on-the-job trainings were organized – very interactive and with high interest of the participants!
Mini-homologues meeting – great success in this Project again. Proves to be a very good practice since it presents a perfect opportunity to representatives of various IPA Audit Authorities to share experience, knowledge, best practice and areas of concern. The meeting consisted of the Panel discussion & Power point presentations! Support of EUD was continuously excellent.
Result 3: Enhanced audit profession in the Serbian Audit Authority to ensure more efficient and effective audits and sound functioning of management and control system of the EU funds through knowledge acquisition for exam preparation and obtaining a national or international license/certificate related to audit.
- In the project implementation period, in total 3 missions (3 STEs, 12 WD) were conducted within Activity 3, under which the following was achieved: Organised workshops “Forensic Accounting” and “Fraud detection and analysis”; Self-learning pack and exams procured
Result 4: Enhanced auditors' knowledge through 3 study visits in an EU Member State
- In the project implementation period, 3 study visit were organized (5 GAO auditors, 4 WD each): First study visit was organized in Budapest, Hungary in period 4 – 7 June 2024; Second study visit was organized in Croatia (Zagreb and Istria County) in period 10 – 13 September 2024; Third study visit was organized in Croatia (Dubrovnik Neretva County) in period 24 – 27 September 2024.
Key Project Data:
Beneficiary: Governmental Audit Office of EU Funds (AA)
Start: 25 March 2024 (Duration: 8 Months)
Budget: 250.000 EUR
25 March until 25 November 2024 (implementation week ending on 8 November)
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