Croatian National Recovery and Resilience Plan is aligned with national strategic development documents, as well as with European priorities directed towards the digital and green transition, which are based on modernisation of economy and society targeting greater investing in innovations and new technologies. These priorities are constituent part of the binding framework of Recovery and Resilience Facility, which designates that at least 20 % of the Plan resources, through reforms and investments, should be directed towards digital transformation, while at least 37 % of funds should target green transition and fight against climate changes.
According to that defined framework and specific Croatian development needs, National Recovery and Resilience Plan consists of five components and one initiative:
Public administration, justice and state assets
Education, science and research
Labour market and social protection
Health system
Initiative: Reconstruction of buildings
The component Economy as the most important one, accounts for 54% of all funds, in other words more than 26 billion HRK. These funds shall be distributed in six sub-components: 1.1. Strengthening competitiveness of economy (12,5% of funds), 1.2. Energy transition (10,2%), 1.3. Water and Waste Management (13,4%), 1.4. Transport System (11,3%), 1.5. Strengthening Food Supply Channels (2,0%) and 1.6. Development of Sustainable, Innovative and Resilient Tourism (4,5%). The remaining 46% of funds will be distributed to other components: 2. Public administration, justice and state assets (10%), 3. Education, science and research (15%), 4. Labour market and social protection (4%), 5. Health system (5%) and 6. Reconstruction of buildings (12%).
Reforms and investments within all components and the initiative will contribute to relieving the consequences of the crisis, as well as recovery, resilience and competitiveness of economy.
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