Opening ceremony of the TWL Project: Strengthening the Audit Capacity of the Audit Authority
The opening ceremony of the Project was held on Thursday, 14th July 2023 in the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance. The Project is implemented by the following Project partners: MS body - Agency for Audit of European Union Programmes Implementation System (ARPA); BC body - Audit Authority of Türkiye, and Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU).
The overall objectives of this Twinning Light project, worth EUR 249.977,49, are to: contribute to the management and control systems in public sector through independent and effective external audit and ensure full compliance to international standards; and strengthen the Audit Authority capacities to give assurance on the proper and effective use of IPA funding and support the development of sound financial management.
The Project is implemented through two Components:
Result/Component 1: Enhanced quality, knowledge and competences of the Audit Authority auditors
Activity 1.1. – Analytical review of AA’s current procedures and updating the audit manual and the audit strategy
Activity 1.2 – Training held within the scope of updating and improving audit manual
Result/Component 2: Improved harmonisation of the audit procedures and activities with EU requirements and best practices
Activity 2.1. – Advanced topics on audit procedures
Activity 2.2. – Delivery of training on audit topics
The envisaged duration of the project implementation is 8 months, with activities on the Project starting in April 2023.
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