Opening ceremony of the TWL Project: Improving legislative framework and strengthening Administrative Capacity of AA of Montenegro
Opening ceremony of the Twinning Light Project was held on 28th March 2023 in the Ramada Hotel. The Project is financed by EU funds in the value of EUR 199.999,95. The Project is implemented by the Agency for Audit of European Union Programmes Implementation System (ARPA) in cooperation with the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro.
The overall objective of this Twinning Light project is improving legislative framework and strengthening the administrative capacity of the Audit Authority of Montenegro. The specific objective and purpose are to ensure effective closure of programming period 2014-2020 (IPA II) and to prepare Montenegro for program management and control of projects funded within IPA III/ESIF.
The Project is implemented through two Components out of which one covers Strengthening of the institutional setup and improvement of the legislative framework which is regulating the work of the Audit Authority, ensuring the readiness for the membership in the EU, while the second one relates to Strengthening the capacity of the Audit Authority for relevant activities on the closure of IPA II, audit of IPA III programmes and ESI funds. Apart from the Croatian team of short-term experts, the Hungarian, Irish and Swedish experts are also engaged in the Project who will with their knowledge and experience contribute to strengthening the capacities of the Audit Authority of Montenegro.
Ms Ksenija Barjaktarović, BC Project Leader, Auditor General of the Audit Authority of Montenegro, held an opening speech. Then, the audience was addressed by Mr Yngve Engstroem, Head of Cooperation Section, European Union Delegation to Montenegro.
Mr Neven Šprlje, the Member State Project Leader, Director of the Agency for Audit of European Union Programmes Implementation System, briefly presented the project team, activities and outputs to be achieved throughout 8 months of the Project implementation.
Finally, short speeches were given by the three Project Short-term Experts: Mr Balázs Dencső, Director General of the Directorate General for Audit of European Union Funds; Ms Marijana Carlsten, Head of Unit in the Swedish Audit Authority, and Mr Paul Herron, Audit Manager in ERDF Audit Authority of Ireland.
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