Closing ceremony for the TWL Project (TR 20 IPA OT 01 22 TWL), Strengthening the Audit Capacity of the Audit Authority
The Closing ceremony for the Twinning Light Project (TR 20 IPA OT 01 22 TWL), Strengthening the Audit Capacity of the Audit Authority was held on 30 November 2023. Total value of the Project was: EUR 249.977,49, and implementation lasted for 8 months, project activities starting in April 2023.
Under Project Component I, the following results were achieved:
- Gap Analysis report delivered.
- Number of relevant chapters of AA’s audit manuals revised.
- At least 40 auditors trained in practical implementation of the updated manual.
Under Project Component II the following results were achieved:
- Number of training sessions and number of trainees regularly attending the sessions.
- Number of auditors trained.
- Overall Grading in Staff Satisfaction survey regarding quality and effectiveness of the trainings / study visit / internship delivered.
Project activities were smoothly implemented due to assurance of:
- timeframes and contents for activities
- availability and skills of project experts
- participants’ active involvement
- perfect project coordination by the project teams and all involved stakeholders
The Project partners were: BC Contracting Authority – Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU); Member State Body – Agency for Audit of European Union Programmes Implementation System (ARPA); Beneficiary Country Body - Audit Authority of Türkiye.
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